Summer 2023 Issue #14

PREVENT ATM SKIMMING What is ATM Skimming? ATM Skimming is a way of stealing information like PIN numbers off of debit and credit cards by installing hidden cameras on ATMmachines. How do I prevent it? Use ATMs in well - lit areas and preferably inside a store or bank. Always cover the keypad with your hand before entering your PIN to prevent a camera from recording your number. Before using, scan the ATM for any signs of being tampered with such as loose or damaged parts. MFS ATMs are now equipped with contactless technology. That means you no longer need to insert your card into the machine. Just tap your card for quick and safe access to your money! ATM UPDATE! 5 Biometric MFA : Uses fingerprint or facial recognition. DEFEND YOURSELF AGAINST FRAUD & IDENTITY THEFT We understand that losing money, property, or even your time to scams and fraud can be devastating. We can help you recognize, prevent, and report scams and fraud to get ahead and stay safe! Understand how to keep your personal information safe. Follow our top tips below to prevent identity theft. CREATE STRONG PASSWORDS Make them unique! It is recommended to use passwords that are at least 12 characters long while also including a mix of upper and lower case letters, numbers, and special symbols. Lastly, regularly update your passwords to avoid potential compromises to your accounts. USE MULTI - FACTOR AUTHENTICATION (MFA) Multi - Factor Authentication adds an extra layer of security by requiring additional verification beyond just a password. Here ’ s how you can leverage MFA effectively : App Based Authenticators : These generate time based codes on your smartphone. Before opening emails and messages, ensure that they are sent from a reputable source. Often times bad actors will attempt to trick the user into thinking the message is from a reputable source, asking for information such as passwords and other sensitive information. As a reminder, Maspeth Federal Savings will never ask for personal information. WATCH OUT FOR PHISHING EMAILS AND MESSAGES REGULARLY UPDATE DEVICES Keeping your devices updated to the latest software ensures that you are protected from known threats and vulnerabilities. LOOK FOR UNAUTHORIZED TRANSACTIONS ON YOUR ACCOUNT Keeping tabs on your financial accounts will help to inform you of any unauthorized purchases being made. Use our card management tool within the mobile app to set transactions alerts, card limits or freeze your card to avoid fraud.